I heart chiropractors
For those of you who have never experienced a part of your body being out of place/alignment, just let me tell you, it's not fun. I have had issues with my back and neck, but more recently it has been my rib out of place. Every time I breath, stand up straight, turn in a certain way (especially when I'm sitting) it feels like someone is stabbing me in the lung. It started Sunday with pain in my right shoulder and I was miserable the entire day on Monday. I couldn't get into the chiropractor, but I did feel a lot better this morning, thanks to ibuprofen. I did see the chiropractor this afternoon, but I'm still not feeling that great.
John has a bad cough and stuffy nose due to teething. One of his two-year molars have broken through the gum and the other three are not far behind. Once all four of his two year molars come in, he won't get any more teeth until he's around six. Yea!!! For those mothers-to-be or mothers of infants, I will be praying that your children are better teethers than my son has been.
I began this post complaining about my ailments, but I want to end on a note of thankfulness. This is John's third week of preschool (he goes Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9-12) and he is doing great. Today he had a green hand when I picked him up, so I assumed that they played with finger paint, but Jerrod informed me that the teacher traced their hands with a marker. Last week I found yellow playdough on the bottom of his tennis shoes. Yellow is the color of the month. The teacher also told Jerrod that John was "not one of the criers and was a good eater". I am so thankful that John is able to go to preschool and has a wonderful loving caregiver while I'm at work. I am very thankful to have a great job, but I am looking forward to being a SAHM once again.