Mom on the Run

Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Christmas present came a few days late

Today is a red letter day at our house. About a week before Christmas, I told John, "Do you know what mommy wants for Christmas? I want you to poop in the potty." Well today I got what I asked for. After much coaxing, begging, and bribing, John pooped in the potty for the first time. We have been working on potty training for @ 6 months now. He was doing pretty good this summer, but regressed back to square one a few weeks after his little brother arrived. Everyone told me this would happen, but now that he is three and his poops are so disgusting, I am sooooo ready for him to be potty trained. Even though we are not completely there yet, John has shown improvements in the last week, so I am hopefully optimistic that he will be potty trained very soon. For those of you who have potty training in your near future, I wish you good luck. I have the book "Toilet Training in Less than a Day" if anyone wants to borrow it. As you can see it didn't work that well for me, but maybe you'll get some useful information from it.

Happy New Year!


At 8:04 AM, Blogger cathym said...

Ah ha! I found you! Love what I have perused on this site! So good to see (and hear about) you and Jerrod and your truly adorable boys. Our families are like mirror images of each other! I did not get a Christmas card out this year (hello New Year's resolution #1) but so appreciated yours and wanted to get in touch with you somehow. Please give my love to everyone.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to take a look at it, but I really hope Conner holds out until this baby arrives. We'll see, tho. Yay John for pooping on the potty!!


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