Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
There's no place like home!
I had a great weekend with my sister in Savannah, but after spending the entire day in the Atlanta airport on Monday, I am so happy to be home. My mom and I were up at 3:45 on Sat. morning to catch a 6 am flight from LYH. (John stayed home with dad and Papa) We arrived in Savannah @ 9:30 and spent the entire day shopping. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the afternoon. Sunday was a relaxing day. I went for a run and went to the beach. The weather was awesome. The main reason I went to Savannah was to attend a baby shower for my sister. It was Sunday afternoon and was very nice. I finished the blanket I was knitting for my new niece. My sister admitted that she didn't think I would finish. Here's a picture of my sister Julie with the blanket. While I was in the shower this morning I started thinking how excited I am to meet my niece, to see her face, and to hold her. I am hoping she has her mother's eyes, hair, and skin (i.e. practically identical to mine). Babies are such a blessing from God! I am also very excited about meeting the three other girls arriving this November as well.